Владимир Тимошенко
Был на сайте: 02.06.2024 14:44

Владимир Тимошенко Snecke

Паспорт верифицирован
Работал по Безопасной сделке
Другие работы автора:

CryptoFishGame Основной рекламный пост NFT игры CryptoFishGame

Альфа-Банк Digital

Альфа-Банк Digital Полный спектр банковских услуг для физических и юридических лиц: кредитование, вклады и депозиты, ведение счетов. Тарифы. Онлайн-банкинг.

Презентация EventUP

Презентация EventUP Эффективные и технологичные digital-решения в сферах Event-маркетинга, корпоративного PR и digital-интеграций.

Презентация ISO проекта World of Battles

Презентация ISO проекта World of Battles A decentralized, autonomous and fully automated e-sports platform, created on the basis of clever contracts and oracles, Ethereum, enabling everyone to compete in e-sports and guaranteed to receive rewards as well as conduct tournaments in accordance…

Art CryptoFish-Gasman

Art CryptoFish-Gasman Activatable token of the game "CryptoFishGame". You can use after registering in the game and activating the code (code can be obtained by purchasing token).

Twitter posting CryptoFishGame

Twitter posting CryptoFishGame Imagine a greener, truly meaningful kind of Pokemon game, where collecting and leveling your little creatures funds real world climate protection projects.

Art CryptoFish-Digger

Art CryptoFish-Digger Fish world is a collection of 10,000 hand-designed digital collectibles that are valid CryptoFish game cards.

CryptoFish Game Blockchain

CryptoFish Game Blockchain There is a new addition to the ranks of our characters. Rasta crypto fish. This character doesn't care what the weather is like at sea. In any situation, it will collect resources.