Владимир Тимошенко
  • Графический дизайн
  • Работ в портфолио: 114
  • Отзывы: 164

    Претензии: 0

  • Зарегистрирован: 01.03.2014
  • Был на сайте: 02.06.2024 14:44
  • Использовал:


Telegram posting CryptoFishGame

Telegram posting CryptoFishGame

When #art meets #technology
10.000 #AI generated Fish.
Discord posting CryptoFishGame

Discord posting CryptoFishGame

More and more NFT Fys creatures are joining the Fysed family every day! 👾🌱⁠ How do you like this one?
Twitter posting CryptoFishGame

Twitter posting CryptoFishGame

Imagine a greener, truly meaningful kind of Pokemon game, where collecting and leveling your little creatures funds real world c...